Sustaining the principle and position, we execute all our missions under the reliable partnership contract on behalf of our partner or together. We design agreements /deals between partners and customers while targeting to the same direction with them.


Generate agreements : For those who want to sell unique systems/products as Supply chain or to sell patented licenses, we could carry out all sales activities from looking for target customers to sealing deals with them.

For example,

  • -Serial mass production deals.
  • -Joint Development Agreement.
  • -Technical transfer agreement / License agreement.

Acquire investors / investments : For those who want to raise the capital to commercialize their technologies, we look for productive corporate investors or angel investments and collaboratively convince to them the potential of partner.

For example,

  • -For start-ups, seed funds.
  • -For emerging companies, joint venture funds.

Operate local functions : For those who need the local presence, we operate all regional functions as a liaison officer or a representative.

For example,

  • -All representative roles from budgeting and sales to obtain acceptable accounts completely.